October 6, 2007
posted by Nk. at 5:14 PM
Poor BritBrit. first they take away her kids, now they want to take away her dogs too. sad-orama, really. why not just let her be, with her chihuahuas? animals have therapeutic powers, y'all. maybe dressing those little cute doggies in drag and diamonds will help britbrit learn how to take care of the kids better, or, even better, it'll inspire her to be *gasp* a better person! (sure is a "better" overload here) who knows? anything is possible in this world! (kris aquino has a platinum record guys, a platinum record you hear? but i digress)But wait. are these therapeutic pets still ummm...err...alive?
Okay. leaving britbrit alone now.
About the Desperate Housewives brouhaha. I don't watch this show (and I don't intend to watch it at all), but I totally understand why many felt bad about that line uttered by teri hatcher's character in a recent episode. I wasn't going to comment about this issue but what's this I hear about getting DH to air a future episode praising Filipino doctors (to the high heavens?) to reverse the damage that has been done? I don't know but isn't this kind of over the top already? If the DH people didn't care enough to check the facts before airing a possibly offending remark in their show, wouldn't a "pacifying" episode seem like an insincere thing to do, and do we really need to ask them to do this? Ask them to say something good about our medical professionals?
So I'm watching this k-drama Bad Couple online. It's about a bull-headed woman duping this guy endowed with "perfect genes" to bed so she can have a baby sans the marriage. I might have to take that option one day so I'm getting some pointers. Heh.
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At October 7, 2007 at 11:45 AM,
hello :)
i have a different opinion re: the medical diploma thingy. but this one really sucks, cory aquino is labeled a slut. along with margaret thatcher. you can watch the vid (very long and puke inducing) at my blogsite. it appeared on the "daily show with john stewart".the topic for that episode was about hilary potentially becoming the first woman president of the usa. i read about it in the papers. john stewart is @*(#&$(* not funny at all.